On Wednesday 26 October 2005 17:10, Adam Schuett wrote:
> The problems go very deep, and I was not the author of the code.  The
> basic  problem is from communication via DSL lines using VPN, and then
> accessing the java program on a remote server and the java program then
> uses an RMI server on an AS400.
> We tried several things, and since the author refused to admit it was a
> coding issue (what's so hard about admitting our code could pack a
> flaw?), someone had tried this on their 9.3 machine and it worked with
> no more issues.

I don't think you mentioned what the symptoms where, but problems with RMI can 
often be down to bad DNS resolving.  You probably already know this, but RMI 
works in a 2 step process similar to unix RPC.  You first connect to a 
registry and ask for a service and the response is the actual location of the 
service.  If that response contains a bad hostname/ip then your client can 
end up at a dead-end.  For example if you have an entry like       myhostname

in the hosts file on the RMI server instead of       localhost

(earlier versions of yast were guilty of this esp. on 9.1) then the response 
to the service lookup can sometimes resolve to your own machine instead of 
the server you wanted resulting in either an instant connection refusal, or a 
lengthy timeout if there are firewalls in place.

In short, check that <-> localhost and real ip <-> hostname mappings 
resolve correctly in both directions on all machines taking part.

On the other hand, if its not an RMI problem then I've got no idea ;-)


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