Hi !

Ilker wrote a top-post :-( :

I have no encryption, and also system gone mad and i even cant connect to
the net, i'm writing this mail on windows, hoping someone would
help.Mywireless card is Linksys
WMP54G.Hardware is present but it's not connecting.I can't configure dhcpd
via Yast because it says there's a problem with config file.

On 10/30/05, 'o-Dzin Tridral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 30/10/05, Ilker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
I just installed OpenSUSE 10.0 on my desktop PC.I almost solved everything
and it installed my printer and scanner (wow, it made it automatically).I
also managed to show my Linksys WMP54G wireless lan card.The operating
system sees the card but everytime i boot into system, i have to type
"dhcpcd -G wlan0" as root.On my last distro, i just
changed the permissions as 755 and put a "script" includes that command
init.d and worked fine, but on SUSE i couldn't get it working.I even tried
it with a suid bit but no luck.Is there any way to get it connected
automatically at boot ? I don't want to use NetGO.

Dear Ilker,

In case it is of use to you, I've had this problem (or one that sounds
similar). The workaround that works for me has been to disable WEP and
the wireless network comes up on boot. I'd like to go back to using WEP at
some point but it's ok for now.

I hope this is helpful!


I can use the Intel PRO/wireless 2200BG which is installed in my notebook without any problem with WPA-PSK even after booting.

Are you using ndiswrapper to drive your WLAN ports ? I don't if this is related to your problems, but you should consider this in your analysis.
Never give up !

Best regards,

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