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Richard Bos wrote:
> Op zaterdag 7 januari 2006 15:47, schreef Pascal Bleser:
>>> What does not work: are urls with login and passwords, like:
>>> ftp://login:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dir
>>> This works with yum
>> Ok, good point to check.
>> If it doesn't work, it should be added (not very difficult though, it's a
>> central component that handles all file retrieval in smart).
> How does this not get forgotten, do you take care for it?

No, I'm not developing on smart (would like to, but no time as of now), neither 
is this mailing-list
the right place to submit feature requests or bugfixes (unless they're 
intrinsincly related to SUSE
Linux) ;)

Please use the Smart bugtracker: http://tracker.labix.org/

>> No. Remember that smart is not SUSE-specific in any way and already used
>> since some time by people on other distros.
> The question remains.  Is there a central directory that shows which 
> repositories are available for suse.  How come that smart only got better 
> when susers started to use smart?

The rpm-md parsing performance enhancement was a tip from Christoph Thiel.
Sorting out bugs with an older version of RPM only happened since people use it 
on SUSE, because
SUSE Linux is the last distro that uses a completly outdated (but heavily 
patched) RPM version. Note
that this does not apply to 10.1 as it uses a current RPM version.

Central directory of repositories for SUSE:

>>> Something like the /etc/yum.repos.d directory but than on a central
>>> server. (Perhaps start on wiki page)?  packman has a mirrorlist file, I
>>> have a just created a repodata file, there is one for kolab, but where
>>> can these be registered?  How do we know what is available, without
>>> searching the whole internet?  Perhaps Eberhard can make a directory that
>>> hold links to all the repodata directories on his server?
>> Similar to the list of repositories on http://opensuse.org
>> Note that smart has the nice ability to retrieve a list of repositories
>> from a text file, e.g.: smart channel --add
>> http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/files/smart/my-smart-channels.txt
> Something like this I was looking for indeed.  Can it be stored on a wiki 
> page, so we can all add our own channel information?

I would suggest that too. See the URL above.
Maybe we could also embed smart channel files for those ?
e.g. a link to a file "guru-10.0.channel" that includes the following:

type = yast2
name = Guru
baseurl = http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.0

One would just need to right-click the link on the wiki page, "copy link 
location" and then paste it
in a shell, like this:
smart channel --add http://www.opensuse.org/smart/guru-10.0.channel

Maybe one could even make a MIME handler for *.channel files (one-click channel 
adding) ;)
*.channel => kdesu - -c "konsole -e 'smart channel --add'"
or something like that, with a .desktop file...

>> Smart has no rpmkey support AFAIK. Again, could be done as well.
> How does this not get forgotten, do you take care for it?  BTW, I think this 
> is a must if smart is to replace apt.  so 'smart install rpmkey-suser-guru' 
> should insert your key into the gpg database.

Hmm... IIRC that works on RPM level.
What I meant with "no rpmkey support" is that Smart won't automatically install 
the rpmkey-* RPM
that matches a repository (as yum does IIRC).

Nor will it say "this package is signed with key ... but you don't have that 
key, do you want me to
install rpmkey-suser-guru ?"

> Please remove this line "Run "smart command --help" for more information" 
> from 
> 'smart --help".  If run 'smart --help' I don't get more information.
> Where is smart manpage?  Just create one with help2man.

Hmm.. yes, a manpage would be great :)

> What is the smart similar command for: 'apt --sources security.list upgrade'
> This only upgrades the security packages.  I assume it exists but 'man smart' 
> does not tell ;)

Documentation is still lacking. Smart has a great number of commands and flags 
but most are still
undocumented (that's where being a 0.41 shows most).

> Is there yast support to configure automatic package upgrades?
> Have a look at:
> /var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.autoupdate
> This can be reached via yast -> system -> sysconfig editor -> Autoupdate

That's a YaST2-only feature, or YOU rather.

Would require YOU repository support in Smart.
That might be on Mauricio's TODO list, once yast2 repository support is 
sufficently tested ;)

> Running # smart upgrade
> Loading cache...
> Updating cache...               ######################################## 
> [100%]
> Computing transaction...
> Upgrading packages (19):
>   alsa               gcompris           libvorbis          perl-Cyrus-IMAP
>   alsa-devel         imlib2             libvorbis-devel    rar
>   alsa-firmware      imlib2-loaders     libxine1           sane
>   alsa-tools         k3b                mad                speex
>   freeciv            kipi-plugins       mplayerplug-in
> Installed packages (5):
>   faac         faad2        libffmpeg0   libmpcdec    xvid
> Now from which repositories are these packages installed.  With apt does can 
> be deducted from the version number.  Would smart be able to put the 
> component name behind the rpm name?

Sure. Not implemented as of now, but from having looked at the smart source 
code [1] a few times,
I'd say this would be very easy to implement, but has to be done for the shell, 
CLI and GUI interface.

Please open a feature request on the tracker [2].

[1] svn co http://svn.smartpm.python-hosting.com/trunk
[2] http://tracker.labix.org/

> What is meant in the output above with:
> Installed packages (5):
>   faac         faad2        libffmpeg0   libmpcdec    xvid
> The package is not installed, see:
> linux:/etc/sysconfig # rpm -q faac
> package faac is not installed

Actually it means that to perform the upgrade you've asked for, smart will
- - upgrade the 19 packages mentioned in "Upgrading packages"
- - additionally install the 5 currently uninstalled packaged mentioned in 
"Installed packages" to
fulfill the dependencies created by the upgrade process

Indeed, "Installed packages" might be a bit misleading.
"Installing additional packages" would be more appropriate.

I've submitted a bug (+ patch) for this one: http://tracker.labix.org/issue72
(same for "Removed packages", should be "Removing packages")

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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