On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 21:14 +0530, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> Monday, 30 January 2006 20:22 samaye, Kenneth Schneider alekhiit:
> > Two PC's cannot mount and use the same partition at the
> > same time. Therefore there is nothing to work around except your logic.
> Hey hey, don't get angry. How should I know the internals of VMWare? I boot 
> to 
> Windows very rarely nowadays. You expect me to know the workings of a Windows 
> application? (Yes I am aware that VMWare is available for Linux too.)
> > Also this would be best asked on the suse-linux-e list. 
> I did not start the thread. I chanced upon it and it seemed to me that Corne 
> Beerse knew something about VMWare so I could ask him. I now realize I should 
> have written to him offlist.
I did not mean for my answer to seem so harsh.
As you point out you did not start this thread and since your question
did not relate to the subject perhaps a new thread should have been
started. And yes you can mount an existing partition (not virtual) in a
VMware virtual machine but I would not recommend doing so to a partition
already mounted by the host system. If you are referring to MS windows
style shares you can create shares in linux (using samba) to share with
your windows machines and vice-versa.

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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