/Eberhard Moenkeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: /

On Sat, 4 Feb 2006, Terje J. Hanssen wrote:
/> Eberhard Moenkeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: /
/>> On Sat, 4 Feb 2006, Terje J. Hanssen wrote: /

/>> /> Therefore I wonder if there isn't any Online Update possibility from /
/>> beta2 to / /
/>> /> beta3, without the need to download and burn the full five new CDs and /
/>> do an / /
/>> /> Upgrade installation? / /
/>> /
/>> YaST2 -> Software -> System Update /
/>> /
/>> not Online Update. /
/> /
/> /
/> Without downloading and burning the 10.1 beta3 CDs first; possibly how? /
/> /
/> System Update shows only the current version no 10.0.42 and no packages to /
/> update. /
/> Should some installation source url to 10.1 beta3 be applied? /

Exactly. You have to configure the 10.1b3 installation source before.

Sorry, bad experience. Entered the IP address to ftp://ftp.gwdg.de and path to inst-source and run System Update. A lot of package conflicts had to be manually cleaned up, then 2GB packages deleted before the System update started(?) and run online several hours.

One popup error message appeared several times: Could not load image yast, detail: icon not found. At the end Yast config and more didn't work. Gnome panel errors and more at login; KDE login was not longer available.

After this unsuccessful System Update to beta3(?) over Internet, it looks like I really have to "downgrade" again to 10.1 beta2 using my CDs.


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