On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 11:55:17AM +0100, David Wright wrote:
> What is pointed to is a couple of lines about the KPM being available for 
> non-GPL Kernel drivers to be converted to the new method. For driver writers 
> already familiar with the situation it is a good pointer of where to go to 
> find out how to write compliant drivers, for the average user it just raises 
> a hell of a lot more questions than it answers... Leading to the FUD we are 
> seeing, like the AVM discussion on the Factory list.

I agree that comunication should be better. However the amount of detail
you want might be a bit over the top. First and formost the people should
concentrate building SUSE.

Then the postings about AVM. Untill will AVM respond and starts anwering
questions and accept the offerd help, I connsider the posting somewhere
between trolling and blackmail. Not sure wich one of the two is worse. It
is the second mail and he just drops them in and then disapears.
<snip frustration about the absence of detailed information>
Please give them time to grow accustomed to this openness and give them
time to respond.

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