jdd a �crit :
>> Jean-Daniel could you *please* avoid such stupid and polemic statements.

Thank you Pascal for the answer to my previous question! I'll use *this* to

>> Of course no one wants to "push all these people out of SUSE world",
>> such statements are - excuse me - just plain dumb.
> alas it's not stupid. this has been the SUSE way from the
> beginning. each new suse asks for more computer power, just
> for install with yast.
+1 YaST rules but YaST is *Big_n_Fat* ;-)
It makes the whole thing, each release, *far* too hangry with new hardware power
to my point of view too!

> so may be the solution could be to keep _one_ low end
> distribution downloadable and with at least security updates
> for ten years.

You should look at debian for such a long support as this is against commercial
distros goal/possibility!

> or may be we need a full console install, with no
> semi-graphical interface

Looks like YaST is still *Big_n_Fat* with ncurse! Far from "small is beautiful"!

> jdd :-(

And *please*, avoid telling me this is polemic as these are purely *facts*, if
you have started with 5.2, and still have some memory of it!

I'm not flaming, only raising *facts*, as could do an opened eyes 8 years SuSE
user. This also means that I *Like* it a lot!


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