On Sat, Feb 18, 2006 at 11:44:14AM +0100, Nicola -kOoLiNuS- Losito wrote:
> houghi ha scritto:
> >If people can't get answers in suse-linux-e and
> >start asking them here, more and more people will come here and drown out
> >the openSUUSE project mailings. :-/
> In Italy we have an old said which tells (circa):
>       to question il "accepted", to answer is "kind"
> that means I am here to ask, IF and only IF someone wants to answer he does 
> it, IF the group says to me to ****, I'll accept it with the same light 
> heart :-)

I understand that and I truly hope somebody will answer your problem in
suse-linux-e. I hope it does not mean that anybody can come in with any
kind of question and drown the subject of this group away. There is a
danger of that happening if everybody would apply your rule.


Nutze die zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste was wir haben, denn es
ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Wert
und Arbeit, und das Sein wichtiger als das tun.
                                          Johannes Müller-Elmau

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