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The Monday 2006-03-20 at 02:34 +0100, Pascal Bleser wrote:

> Quoting Benjamin: "it doesn't allow redistribution of modified versions,
> and redistribution of the unmodified versions is only for inclusion in
> non-profit things or by prior inclusion".

I understand it can be redistributed:

] Redistribution of this release is permitted as follows, or by 
] mutual agreement:
] (b) In free-of-charge distributions by for-profit concerns;
] (c) Inclusion in a CD-ROM collection of free-of-charge, shareware, or
]     non-proprietary software for which a fee may be charged for the
]     packaged distribution.

I understand that 'b' would apply to ftp distribution, 'c' to the dvd. If 
it doesn't, SuSE/Novell can ask them (ie, "mutual agreement"). 

As to the modifications, it says:

] Local modification of this release is permitted as follows, or by mutual 
] agreement: In order to reduce confusion and facilitate debugging, we 
] request that locally modified versions be denoted by appending the 
] letter "L" to the current version number, and that the local changes be 
] enumerated in the integral release notes and associated documentation.


] The University of Washington encourages unrestricted distribution of
] individual patches to the Pine system. By "patches" we mean

> pico can be replaced by GNU nano (that is already included in the
> distribution btw), and pine.. well... anyone still use pine ? (hint: use
> mutt ;))

I use Pine every day, it's my main mail program, it has been for years. 
I'd like it to have a few more features, but it is the one that has most 
of what I want. No, mutt is not an option, unless somebody makes a 
configuration file that makes it work exactly as Pine, with the same user 
interface. Yes, I tried, and had to run away fast, sorry.

- -- 
       Carlos Robinson

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Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76


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