On Mar 25, 06 00:53:22 +0100, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> > Now, it's all about moving pico/pine (and *possibly* dropping pico as GNU 
> > nano
> > seems to be a full-featured remplacement) to the 6th non-OSS CD + non-OSS
> > repository, as with Java and other things.
> That's fine with me :-)
> Question: what about the dvd, then?

Afaik, opensuse does not offer DVD-images. Do we?
Whoever offers DVD images or DVD generator scripts, please 
clearly mark them as 'OSS', if the contents is equivalent to
CD1-CD5 only.


 o \  Juergen Weigert  paint it green! __/ _=======.=======_
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