> Hello,
> Am Montag, 10. April 2006 18:03 schrieb houghi:
>> The reason is that I do not want a GUI tool for backups. So what are
>> you using that is on SUSE itself? Or do you run your own script? Have
>> I overlooked some great script that is available?
> I use storeBackup + several types of network-based tools:
> -

> PS: If someone is interested in the scripts, just ask.

Well, I am interested. I am trying out the best way of backing up remote
machines, now at the moment using rsync. But it is rather simple atm,
because i only end up with a full copy of the machines. If remote users
ask for something already deleted, then in the "backup" it will also be
deleted, if the question comes overnight.
So I am eager to know more about this, your scripts are welcome as
"educative" material.

> --
>>...was dann wieder in polnisch, tschechisch und auf'm Mars versagt. :-)
> Die Sprachen habe ich noch nie benötigt. Und auf dem Mars gibts ne
> eigene Distri (für 21-Saugnapf-Tastaturen).
> [> Ratti und Jan Trippler in suse-linux]
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L. de Braal
BraHa Systems
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