I have a hard time finding things on the wiki, perhaps it's just because I
don't use them much, but I have not had much luck with them personally.  I
find forums much easier to search.  I did start up a forum for opensuse,
www.opensuse.us .  I emailed novell's legal division and recieved permission
to use the opensuse logo.  I realize that opensuse.org will eventually
"probably" have forums, but I too like to have a place where the information
can't be randomly changed. Don't get me wrong, I think that the wiki admins
do a great job of keeping track of things, but on a personal note, I hate it
when something i write gets re-written by someone else.

I run several forums, and they are a great way of "storing" information for
retrieval, and google loves to index them.... making a websearch return some
useful links.  I'm not sure how a wiki works in that regards, but when you
keep "changing" the page..... googles index of the page might not match the
actual current one...... if you lucky, google "might" have a cached version
of the one it indexed...  and the final purpose of it all of course is to
have the information readily and quickly available for someone looking for
it in the first place ;)

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