Am Samstag, 13. Mai 2006 20:27 schrieb Mark Hellman:
> Martin Schlander wrote:
> > This doesn't mean I don't agree with the changes made. I do - I believe
> > Zen, Rug and YaST software management will complement each other
> > perfectly (in 10.2). I also think it was right to remove binary only
> > kernel modules.
> The binary kernel modules removal was one of the worst decisions Novell has
> took. It was a flagrant step back in the process of creating a user
> friendly Linux distribution. It was not a technical decision. It was a pure
> political one, and a fine example of a "loose-loose" situation.
Let's see...
> What is most ironic is that, at the same time they introduce Xgl -- an
> Xserver that requires 3D hardware acceleration --, they remove support for
> NVidia and ATI drivers...
You're wrong. Suse Linux never came with binary Nvidia and/or ATI drivers. You 
always had to dowload them. There is _no_ change here.

> Not to mention the hassle of recompiling the fglrx and nvidia kernel
> modules right after any kernel security update. 
This was always the case. You always needed kernel-source to recompile the 
kernel modules after an update. But now, you have the possibility to build a 
proper kmp module, which might work also after a kernel update.

> I wonder if Novell salesmen 
> are going to mention this when they try to convince their customers about
> the wonders of ZENworks Patch Management...
I wonder where you got your informations from...

Üdvözlettel -- Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Marcel Hilzinger

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