Rajko M wrote:
> [...]
> I can see that you was upset, but I can see from other postings that you 
> accepted other reasons too, which mean that you are reasonable man. 
> Sincerely I was upset too at first, but than I looked what they've 
> asked; just a bit more or comparable to what usually leaves computer for 
> almost every WWW connection. And later in this way they do is not 
> pressure at all.

I don't think anybody here has a problem with the kind of information
that is submitted. It seems to be only technical information - at least
at the moment, and some parts of it are public anyway when you surf in
 the internet. But, you know, once such a "registration" is in place,
it's very easy to change the amount of information being submitted, or
to change the overall registration process. From my point of view, it
creates the wrong overall picture for an open source community project
(yes, I know that there is Novell in the background), some people are
therefore suspicious. Maybe it's just the name that activates many
warning bells, or it's the general trend to gather and stockpile all
kind of information - whether really required for an operation or not.
I think that Novell/SUSE have been a bit unlucky with some of the names
they have chosen. For instance, calling the 10.0 SUSE version with the
3rd party software an "evaluation" version was very misleading. Maybe
the word "registration" in this context here is just another example.
Names need to be chosen very carefully, otherwise the users get the
wrong idea of what this is all about...

Just my 2 cents. Cheers,

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