houghi wrote:
> On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 11:42:01AM +0100, Thomas Hertweck wrote:
>> I don't think anybody here has a problem with the kind of information
>> that is submitted. 
> Erhard Sanio had a problem with it.

No, he had a problem with the way the registration works, not with the
information that is submitted. You didn't get the point. Read his
statement again: "Still I feel that demanding registration is a wrong
way and should be abandoned. Politely asking for some information is a
totally different thing. I would not hesitate to tell the project people
a lot about hardware, software and general usage of Linux on any of my
machines or just fill them in for statistical purposes" (quoting E. Sanio).

>> But, you know, once such a "registration" is in place,
>> it's very easy to change the amount of information being submitted, or
>> to change the overall registration process. 
> Sure that is possible, it is however not probable. The moment that
> happens, you don't use that product anymore. You know that, I know that
> and Novell knows that.

This is not true. Users might not be aware of changes (we all know that
these messages, call them "info messages" at the moment or EULA etc. at
the end of the day, are usually ignored by users), and many others would
not have a chance or would not be willing to use another product. There
might be no choice. How many of the Linux users have ever read the full
GPL license?
Of course, we are not there (yet?), but it's a first step into this
direction. And that's why some people are suspicious. Why is this so
difficult for you to understand? Maybe those people are wrong but it's
good to keep an eye on the developments.

> [...]
> From my point of view it make Linux a more profesional way of working. 

Why should a registration process make Linux more professional? A
registration process is known to annoy users - there has recently been
an article in the German c't magazine about that phenomenon. Even
companies that have valid licenses etc. often circumvent a registration
process because it's annoying, does not really work as expected etc.
(read my other email, we have seen this already happening with SUSE 10.1
and a wrong string being submitted, leading to a "no product to
register"). So there are official studies about this topic. Read it!

> Not
> only is it a bunch of people working on it, it also has the backing of a
> company that is motivated enough in Open Source. So much that even the
> shareholders say to keep on pushing this Open Source stuff and keep going
> in the Linux direction.
> The fact that you have a choice wether you want to send the information or
> not is more then we had before. Before we had one option: not to send
> anything.

You didn't get the point. Read my previous email or the thread again.

> [...]
> I have long stopped being paranoid, because I know I am followed.
> Especially on the Internet.

This should not be an excuse to make it worse! Your behaviour is just a
sign of resignation. The problem has nothing to do with paranoia.


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