On Sun, 2006-05-14 at 09:04 -0400, L. Mark Stone wrote:
> I'm trying to get my arms around setting up ifplugd correctly for my  
> environment on an IBM R52 laptop with Intel wireless.
> The laptop previously dual-booted WinXP and SuSE 10.0 (KDE). I wiped  
> the WinXP partition to install 10.1 (Gnome).
> I have a need to connect to several wireless locations. In 10.0, I  
> used YaST and ifup/down to configure my connection settings because  
> Kinternet didn't handle WPA-PSK.  It was suggested to me I use SCPM to  
> set up location profiles, similar to what IBM's Think Vantage  
> Connections applet does, but I confess I never got around to doing that.
> 10.1 came configured with ifplug, so I am looking for advice on the  
> best way to have fairly seamless connections.  Here are the connection  
> scenarios:
> I. Office:
> If I am sitting at my desk, I connect my laptop to the network via  
> Ethernet.  If we move to conference room, we use wireless with WPA-PSK.
> II. Home:
> Pretty much same as the office. If I sit at a desk with Ethernet, I  
> use it.  Elsewhere, I use wireless with WPA-PSK (different ESSID and  
> passphrase than in the office).
> III. Client Sites and Internet Cafes
> Typically no encryption.
> Any suggestions how best to configure the laptop for these uses would  
> be appreciated.
First off, this should have been posted on suse-linux-e. The ifplugd is
for hard wired connections not wireless. For wireless try using
networkmanager, although it is -very- poor for encrypted connections. If
you have an encrypted connection that does -not- broadcast the essid you
need to reenter the config every time you try to use the connection or
reboot. Even if the essid is broadcast you still need to reenter the wep
key.  Why is there not a way to save the info?

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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