On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:39:46AM +0200, Eberhard Moenkeberg wrote:
> The silent death of the admin guide was a bad decision in my mind too.
> Up to 9.3, I could advise interested people "just buy one SUSE box, and 
> you have all you need to become a server admin - experiences with docs".

I did the same. Now I say: just download it or ask somebody for a copy.
I would expect two versions of SUSE. One boxed with the manuals in dead
trees and one (e.g only over Internet order) with just the CD, like
or http://tinyurl.com/pjttk

> >Also for 10.0, a sources DVD iso was provided on the mirrors, which for
> >those of us with broadband didn't complain.  Many don't have the
> >bandwidth to download a large iso.
> Many? You are kidding.
> Most of those "manies" at least have a friend with a DSL connection.

Also how many of the many actually use ALL of those sources? That said,
some people need the kernel sources. I think those could be included in
the box. Not sure if there is enough plave on the DVD-9.

> The sources are already published at the servers:
> /pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.1/inst-source/suse/src/
> /pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.1/non-oss-inst-source/suse/src/
> makesusedvd can be used to make an ISO out of it.
> Please nobody tell me he needs the sources but is not able to run 
> makesusedvd.

Never tried it, so no idea what the result will be.
> Putting the sources a second time there as an ISO image would neglect the 
> mirror admins' interest in efficiency (space and cache).

How about a jigdo file?

> It is a totally different question if SUSE would ship hard media on 
> request or not.
> I fully accept their "cost calculation" decision not to put a mostly never 
> used sources disk into the box, and you should ask them for a hard copy if 
> you can't use the servers.
> I bet they will ship one, and the SUSE cost calculators will include the 
> needed manpower into their next revision.
> But I bet it already was the right decision. ;-))

Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es 
ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk
und Arbeit,  und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun                                 
                                        - Johannes Müller-Elmau

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