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jdd wrote:
>> Would be nice if you could tell ksmarttray to update certain channels
>> (most notably ~/suse/update/10.1 of course) when checking for updates.
> and probably using different words for similar thinbgs add to the mess.
> what are those channels? I already had problem undersdtanding what are
> the different inst-source (not even trying to know what are the
> different metadata systems)

The generic and most appropriate term is "repository".
Well, the repository is on the server-side, for example:
1) http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.1
2) http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/10.1/RPMS
3) http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/10.1-i386

(1) is a yast2 repository
(2) is an RPM-MD (/repomd/yum, see below) repository
(3) is an APT-RPM repository

The following terms are used by different package managers and are all
_references to repositories_.
Such references usually contain information such as
- - the base URL, where to retrieve the metadata and the packages
- - a name
but also additional information, depending on what the package manager
is capable of handling.

- - YaST2 calls them "installation sources"
- - ZMD/rug calls them "catalogs"
- - smart calls them "channels" (AFAICR, Red Carpet calls them "channels"
as well)
- - apt-rpm calls them "sources"
- - yum calls them "repos" (repositories)

but they're all the same thing: references to package repositories ;)

Package repositories are made of "metadata".
That metadata contains various information about the RPM packages that
are available in a repository, such as:
- - package name, version, release, target architecture, distribution
- - summary, description, license, project website
- - what it requires
- - what it provides, and the list of files contained in the package

That metadata information is needed by package managers like libzypp,
ZMD/rug, apt-rpm, smart, yum, ... to be able to compute how to perform
package installations, upgrades, removals (the requires/provides
information is particularly important here).

There are different metadata formats:
- - RPM-MD (RPM-MetaData), also called "repomd" (Repository MetaData),
also called "yum" (because its the native format for the yum package
- - yast2
- - apt-rpm (for RPM) and apt-deb (for DEB)
- - Red Carpet (also called Open Carpet)
- - RPM-HDL (RPM Header List)
- - URPMI (for Mandriva's package manager)
- - slack, for Slackware's "package manager"
and maybe a few others.

So, unfortunately, there's more or less a metadata format for every
single package manager. It seems the NiH (*) syndrom has spread a lot
amongst package manager developers ;)
(*) "Not invented Here"

Nowadays, most package managers seem to head for RPM-MD support, which
is more or less becoming a standard:
- - YaST2 supports it in SUSE Linux 10.0
- - libzypp supports it in SUSE Linux 10.1
- - yum supports it, obviously, it's the yum-specific format ;)
- - apt-rpm supports it too, since one or two releases (not the version
shipped with SUSE Linux 10.1 though)
- - smart supports it, of course ;) (more information about that below)

RPM-MD is represented in XML - actually, the repository metadata is
stored in gzipped XML files, in a "repodata" subdirectory on the server
(*), with the following files:
- - repomd.xml: main repository file, very small, contains references to
the others, as well as checksums and timestamps
- - primary.xml.gz: contains the most important information: list of
packages (with version, release, architecture), what it requires, size
of the package, summary, description, etc....
- - filelists.xml.gz: contains the list of files that are included in the
- - other.xml.gz: not used by all package managers, it contains the
changelog information of every package

(*) for an example:

Read here for more information on RPM-MD:

smart is a notable exception, because it supports *all* of the formats
above (and it has no smart-specific format).

When you add a smart "channel" (repository information), here are the
types you can use (excerpt from "smart channel --help"):
  apt-deb    - APT-DEB Repository
  apt-rpm    - APT-RPM Repository
  deb-dir    - DEB Directory
  red-carpet - Red Carpet Channel
  rpm-dir    - RPM Directory
  rpm-hdl    - RPM Header List
  rpm-md     - RPM MetaData
  slack-site - Slackware Repository
  up2date-mirrors - Mirror Information (up2date format)
  urpmi      - URPMI Repository
  yast2      - YaST2 Repository

(note, I removed the *-sys channels, they represent the packages
currently installed in the RPM database (or DEB database on Debian, etc...))

And yes, you can even mix them. In my list of channels for smart, I mix
yast2, rpm-md and apt-rpm repositories.

smart is even independent of the package subsystem, as it works for RPM
(SUSE/Redhat/Fedora/Mandriva), Deb (Debian/Ubuntu) and Slackware.
So you could install a .deb Debian/Ubuntu package on SUSE Linux with
smart, but it wouldn't make any sense because it would be stored in a
DEB package database... that knows nothing about the RPM database,
etc... (so that usage is pretty pointless, and not the goal of smart
anyway). Actually it's interesting because you can use smart
(unmodified) on RPM, Deb and Slackware based distributions.

> many things need to be simplified

Yes, or explained.

Hope this helps.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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