On Thursday 08 June 2006 17:03, Adrian Schröter wrote:

>  You can test it already, when you add the following URL in the
> YaST "Installation Sources" module and run the YaST "Online Update" module
> afterwards:
>   ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/aj/10.1-packagemanagement-update-test/

Yast -> installation source -> add -> specify url -> add the one
above -> click finish. There is only one other source active 
(standard update one) and yet, 'installation source' module exits
in mere 4 minutes. So, it's slow but works.

Online update -> hmm, shows only zypp to be updated? -> click 
finish and it begins updating all yast packages and finishes ok.
Wohoo! rczmd restart -> alt+f2 -> zen-installer -> getting install
list -> shows gazillion packages to be updated -> click select all 
-> install. After a while of resolving we're greeted with this:

Unresolved dependencies:
Installing NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Can't install NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.x86_64
[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates], since NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.i586
[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as needing to be installed
Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.

OK, so this hasn't been fixed and its again attempting to install
i586 and x86-64 packages at the same time. So, to the menu to remove all
i586 packages manually. After manually clicking away 66 (!) i586 packages
we're once again greeted with:

Unresolved dependencies:
Installing netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Can't install patch:netbeans-1451-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] since it 
is does not apply to this system.
Can't install netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[20060608-183539], since 
netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as 
needing to be installed
Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.

AH OK. Where did this ghost package come from? Let's remove it and go
on. Now we get:

Unresolved dependencies:
Installing patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Can't install patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[20060608-183539], since 
patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as 
needing to be installed
Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.

OK; I get it. You don't like supplementary KDE. Let's remove all that.
Wohoo! I think it started to do something, it's saying 'installing 
software'! Only after 20 minutes of vigorous clicking. Hmm, 5 minutes of
waiting and progress bar is not moving? Hmm. What's it doing? Let's check
with gdb. ps -ef | grep zen-installer
jmk      14076  4563  2 18:50 ?        00:00:27 
zen-installer /usr/lib/zen-updater/ZenInstaller.exe

EXE? EHHHEH. Ok, shall we attach gdb to it.
(gdb) attach 14076
Attaching to program: /usr/lib/zen-updater/ZenInstaller.exe, process 14076
0x366d8136 in ?? ()
(gdb) thread apply all bt
(gdb) quit (detached gracefully)   

Uh, no stack ?? What is this thing? 
file /usr/lib/zen-updater/ZenInstaller.exe
/usr/lib/zen-updater/ZenInstaller.exe: PE executable for MS Windows (console) 
Intel 80386 32-bit, Mono/.Net assembly

Sure thing. How am I supposed to debug this? Anyhoo, let's give it 
at least half an hour to do what ever it's doing.

Will let you know if it ever resumes.

// Janne

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