Am Thursday 08 June 2006 18:16 schrieb Janne Karhunen:
> On Thursday 08 June 2006 17:03, Adrian Schröter wrote:
> >  You can test it already, when you add the following URL in the
> > YaST "Installation Sources" module and run the YaST "Online Update"
> > module afterwards:
> >
> >
> Yast -> installation source -> add -> specify url -> add the one
> above -> click finish. There is only one other source active
> (standard update one) and yet, 'installation source' module exits
> in mere 4 minutes. So, it's slow but works.
> Online update -> hmm, shows only zypp to be updated? -> click

yes, that is a feature, so that the other packages do get installed with the 
new package manager.

> finish and it begins updating all yast packages and finishes ok.
> Wohoo! rczmd restart -> alt+f2 -> zen-installer -> getting install
> list -> shows gazillion packages to be updated -> click select all
> -> install. After a while of resolving we're greeted with this:

With zen-updater ?

> Unresolved dependencies:
> Installing NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
> Can't install NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.x86_64
> [SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates], since NetworkManager-devel-0.6.2-32.11.i586
> [SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as needing to be installed
> Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.

That should not happen. Does the same happen when you also use the YaST Online 
Update module in the second run ?

> OK, so this hasn't been fixed and its again attempting to install
> i586 and x86-64 packages at the same time. So, to the menu to remove all
> i586 packages manually. After manually clicking away 66 (!) i586 packages
> we're once again greeted with:
> Unresolved dependencies:
> Installing netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
> Can't install patch:netbeans-1451-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] since
> it is does not apply to this system.
> Can't install netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[20060608-183539], since
> netbeans-5.0-14.1.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as
> needing to be installed
> Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.

I don't have the conflict with YaST Online Update. Can you check this also 
please ?

> AH OK. Where did this ghost package come from? Let's remove it and go
> on. Now we get:
> Unresolved dependencies:
> Installing patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
> Can't install patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[20060608-183539], since
> patch:kdeadmin3-1439-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] is already marked as
> needing to be installed
> Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.
> OK; I get it. You don't like supplementary KDE. Let's remove all that.

oh, okay, I will retest with the Build Service KDE3 tomorrow.



Adrian Schroeter
SUSE Linux Products GmbH,  Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany

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