On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 14:27 +0200, Pascal Bleser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Daniel Bertolo wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2006 11:06 schrieb Marcus Meissner:
> >> We will likely rename "it" for 10.2 anyway.
> > 
> > I guess there should be a clear difference between Novell business products 
> > such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Novell-sponsored projects such as 
> > openSUSE. Have a look at Redhat. Their opensource project is named fedora.
> Redhat chose to split between Redhat and Fedora.
> So what ? Just because Redhat did it that way, it doesn't mean that it's
> a good idea ;)
> > So, if Novell want to keep the trademark "SUSE" for their products it would 
> > be 
> > wise to rename the open distribution to something completely different.
> I strongly disagree, to say the least.
> "SUSE" has been around for a long time, as a name (even if it was
> "S.u.S.E." and "SuSE" in the past).
> You might be new to SUSE Linux, but the distribution has a very strong
> history, especially in Germany, and renaming the distribution to
> something else is totally *not* a good idea.
> New users might now be interested in SUSE Linux because it is part of
> Novell.
> But I can tell you for sure that a lot of people like and use SUSE Linux
> because it is still produced by the highly skilled technical staff that
> has been doing S.u.S.E. Linux and SuSE Linux in the past, with the same
> focus on quality and polish.
> If you now call it "Novell Linux" or something else, totally
> different... well... anything different from "SUSE" actually, it will
> mean a lot more than just a change of name to many people.
> Some might see this as "the last bit of S.u.S.E./SuSE going away"
> (whether this is true or not) and might turn to other distributions.
> Really, I think it would be a terrible idea. It's not "just a name".
SUSE linux is not just a name it is a movement which says a lot for the
distribution. It represents quality in a product whether open/free or
paid for.

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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