On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 09:29:41AM +0300, Silviu Marin-Caea wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 June 2006 20:30, Daniel Bertolo wrote:
> > - Novell products: Novell Linux Enterprise Server, Novell Linux Desktop
> NO, NO, no way!!  It would be a terrible mistake.  While talking to people 
> about Novell Linux Desktop 9, I always got from them confused looks.  Always 
> had to follow up explaining "it's actually SUSE Linux", and they were 
> like "ahh, really?".
> SLED and SLES are the best names.  Don't touch that.

Guys/Girls ... In the end it will be decided by the marketing department.

And Novell Marketing is fully aware of the brandvalue of "SUSE".

Ciao, Marcus

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