
Thomas Hertweck schrieb:
> But, and this is the position I've had before, I think it's the wrong
> way to just "close the door" without an adequate solution in place.

Look at this graphics file:


This is not just a statement, it's the official position of Novell, Inc.
There is now openSUSE and the community can influence some things up to
a certain degree, but decisions like this one are (and should be, IMHO)
outside the scope of what the community can influence because the impact
is just too severe that the community can make an adequate decision.

Don't get me wrong, it's not intended to be impolite, but IMHO
continuing this discussion is pointless. The adequate solution is the
driver process, it's already in place and now the other parties must
adopt it, not the other way round. I doubt that anybody reading this
list can change Novell's position, it's a management thing and there are
mainly technical people and not management people on this list.

Andreas Hanke

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