Marcel Mourguiart schrieb:
>> [to mutch to repeat here]

so, at all:
if you like to way Debian handles all that closed-source driver-stuff,
and you don't like the way openSUSE / Novell goes - why the hell are u
using it ? why not get the Debian-distro, use it, and leave others that
try to do the open-source & law-conform way allone ?

and if your new Dedian-system is up and running, just use your favorite
searchengine and have a look into the mailinglists of just
look how often there are discussion about the GPL, binary drivers, and
how to take steps against anything that is in conflict with the GPL.

I normaly have big respect of other people mind. I can understand that
poeple sometimes think that all this "GPL <--> OSS <--> CS" is bullshit
because it is not allways userfriendly. but at the same time I
understand the programmers that use the GPL as licence. what each
individual user is makeing on his owen desktop / server / network doen't
matter because it is his / here owen decision.
asking one or two times on a list or at a forum why something is handled
like the way it is is OK, but rumbling on the nerves of others when it
is not the way you like is more then unfriendly.

(but still) with regards,
JBScout aka Thomy

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