El Sábado, 4 de Noviembre de 2006 09:53, Andreas Hanke escribió:
> Tony Pott schrieb:
> > To all the people at SuSE,
> > I know this isn't your fault, and I'm sorry I have to stop using your
> > excellent work. I'm sad to have to change to another distro, I've been a
> > fanboy since SuSE 8.0, but this deal is just disgusting.
Agreed, it is very disgusting, like going home to find your wife in bed with 
the worst guy of the office.

> Ah, I see.
> Nobody gets what "this" deal is about, but you already know that it
It is true, we haven't been in those negociations, but there is the History 
for all to see.... no need to be an expert. Do you think MS will play nice 
now all of a sudden?
Read Groklaw, it has a good coverage and analisys
> forces you to stop using the distribution. Highly interesting.
It doesn't stop me now, but may be in the future.... Just an example, would 
you use and promote SCOldera OpenLinux?
> Can you please read the announcement and point out which of the
> following prevents you from using the distribution:
> Patent coverage
------>>>>>>>MS Taxing linux (Novell to pay MS for Linux??? Thats very wrong!)
Patent protection racket ("Hi red head, nice linux have you got here, it would 
be a pity if something bad happened..... see those shushi, they pay us and 
have no worries")
False protection for hobbyists for their *own* use of their *own* work, 
absolutely unneeded
Weakens anti sw patents side in Europe
Makes easyer for MS to launch patent attacks on the community and protects 
them against antitrust issues
Weakens patent commons efforts
> Virtualization
> Virtualization Management
We have that now: Qemu, xen, vmware,....
We don't need linux as a flacky toy program under windows
See vista EULA
> Office Open XML
A stab in the back of OpenDocument.
Eases Office XML path for ISO, damages standards
> Collaboration Framework
With MS?
Where have you been..... the last 20 years or so?
> Mono, OpenOffice and Samba
Jeopardizes future of those projects, specially mono
Damages EU antitrust efforts (documentation of win32 network interfaces)
Don't see the world through a window, be open{source}minded, and be free :-)
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