Alexey Eremenko schrieb:
> Since we have made a deal with MS about patents, I would like to ask
> include MS-patented Windows Media Codecs (WMA/WMV) with both openSUSE
> 10.2 and future SUSE versions... (including Enterprise). The code
> exists (on packman sites - the only problem was patents, which is
> solved now).

Yeah, it's really cool and funny.

Again: Code that infringes patents will not be distributed, and the
so-called "deal" does not allow anyone to infringe patents. The "deal"
is not as simple as "it has something to do with patents".

The "deal" does not cover what you are asking for. But maybe you're
lucky anyway: RealNetworks has a deal with MS that covers it and Novell
in turn has a deal with RealNetworks.

Having said that, saying "the code exists" about what you can find on
rpm sites is a little bit out of place. These are Windows binaries. MS
does actually license the source code to interested parties, but there
are no flat fees.

That's why you won't get the codecs legally for free: Whoever licenses
them from MS has no other choice than charging for it, the lack of a
flat fee makes it impossible.

If you're seriously(!) interested in what the deal is about and
especially in what it is not about, read the transcript of the last
status meeting:

The other funny jokes were already there often enough
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