Juergen Weigert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Nov 15, 06 03:55:25 +0100, houghi wrote:
>> > One may argue and support Novell's move as much as she wants, but
>> > without Novell revealing the _real_ parameters of the deal - the MS
>> > benefit, etc., concerns will exists.
>> Why must Novell reavel the benefits of Microsoft? Would that not be up to
>> Microsoft to tell what their benefits are? Say you and I have a deal about
>> making a software program together. How would you know what the benefits
>> are for me?
> N and M agreed that the exact terms of the deal are confidential.
> So none of the two can publish any details without approval from the other.

And this is quite normal for such contracts...

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.suse.de/~aj/
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