Carlos E. R. wrote:


I also have a problem when booting my test partition, which resides in a disk bigger than what my bios can handle. But I haven't studied the problem yet, although I'm starting to think that it is similar to your problem, or perhaps even the same one. I wonder.


And... you grub halts when loading suse, you get to the grub menu, no? There you can choose XP and it should not have the same problem - I hope.

No. I don't get to the grub menu. If I did I wouldn't be too worried (well :-) ) because I would be able to at least boot into Windows but I cannot because the grub menu does not come up.

All that happens is I get the Error #18 message as soon as grub kicks in on boot and all I see is the grub> prompt followed by the error #18 statement.

Let me go over the situation, just to clear all the stuff which may be muddying the waters.

I have XP installed and I then installed 10.1 - and everything was working fine until a few days ago when suddenly on startup I got the grub> Error #18 message and the only way I can now boot into Suse is using the installation DVD and using the Boot Into Existing System. I have no access to XP.

Because all my HD are in removable cradles, I installed 10.2 RC1 on this same computer (my "main" one, the one I am now using to type this message with 10.1) using one of my other HDs. I have no problems with booting into 10.2 RC1 on this computer- grub doesn't come up with any error messages.

Knowing that there is the option on the Installation DVD/CD to do a Repair on an existing system I tried doing this repair and after finding that all the partitions are in place with their correct file systems, Repair crashes at the stage called Check Package Database - Searching for package database where it is executing the following command:

/usr/bin/test -f /mnt/var/lib/rpm/Triggername

when the whole Repair process just dies and I am faced with a red screen with an error message of Error Encountered (or similar) - no explanation of what caused the error.

Now, in summary I guess, I can boot into 10.1 using the Installation DVD/CD and the system appears to be going OK except that I have noticed a couple of "funnies" - eg, suddenly I cannot access any CD or DVD either as a user or root because KDE gives out with an error message that Permission is Denied (or similar); also booting from the Installation CD uses the original version of the kernel as it is on the DVD/CD and not the one which is now installed on the HD after the kernel has been upgraded several times in the past months.

So, here we are :-) . Something suddenly zapped this system but what it was which caused this I don't know except to note that some upgrades were done during the day a few days ago and the next morning when I went to start the system I wasn't able to do a normal bootup.

I now feel that unless something miraculous happens and someone can come up and say, "This is where the problem is!" I will need to reinstall 10.1 -- which I am loath to do because of all the mucking around with installing the video apps to be able to watch DVD :-( . And, of course, having to install smart and then downloading all over again all the upgrades to 10.1 :-( . But.... "that's show biz" :-) .

Maybe, just maybe, I'll wake up in the morning and find that all this has been simply a bad dream and in fact there is no problem with the system :-) . Or maybe the elves will fix the system while I am asleep :-) .


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."

Galileo Galilei

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