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Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Wednesday 2006-12-06 at 13:36 -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
>>>> Mmmm.... why is that not under "/pub/opensuse/repositories"?
>>>  ??  it is in the old suser's directory which still has new packages
> Because the other is the official one.

"Official" what ?
I've been building RPMs for SUSE Linux long, long, long before the
openSUSE Build Service.

I don't build in the Build Service because I have my own infrastructure.
And because some of the packages I maintain cannot be included in the
Build Service for legal reasons (same story as Packman).
And because it's less hassle and quicker for me to build it on my own
box than on the Build Service.

Well, whatever, use my packages or don't.

>>>> And why is the link not pointed at in 
>>>> http://en.opensuse.org/Released_Version#Metalink?
>>>  ?? 
> [Annoyed mode on]


> The people there want us to use metalink to download the new 10.2 version, 
> but they do not provide an rpm for a working metalink client (or they are 
> silent about it). They must be using the factory version of 10.2 where 
> there is obviously one and therefore do not see the need to provide one 
> for us lowly users :-/
>>>> There is no src tree to check how they compiled it. I can not see if it 
>>>> has metalink support compiled in.

"they" is me.
"no src tree" ? and what do you think this is ?

>>>> And it has unsolved dependencies:
>>>> nimrodel:~ # rpm --test --install 
>>>> /xtr/cer/download/updates/10.1/suse-guru/aria2-0.9.0-1.guru.suse101.i686.rpmwarning:
>>>> /xtr/cer/download/updates/10.1/suse-guru/aria2-0.9.0-1.guru.suse101.i686.rpm:
>>>> Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 58857177
>>>> error: Failed dependencies:
>>>>         libcares.so.1 is needed by aria2-0.9.0-1.guru.suse101.i686
>>>> It does not say which rpm has that libcares.so.1: it is not part of the 
>>>> SuSE 10.1 distro, that I can vouch for.


> I know that. Didn't you notice the --test in the command line? I simply 
> haven't bothered about that part yet.
>>> And you do know guru.
> No, I don't. 
> I have never used it. I compile my own extras, I only use ready made ones 
> if on a hurry or if it is too complex.
>>> c-ares containes libcares and is available in the same location.
> And how on earth was I to know that libcares.so.1 is included in c-ares? 

This is called a "repository".
Just add my repository and everything will be resolved properly.
Does that really sound new to you ?

> The nice thing about rpms is that they solve the dependency problem 
> telling you straight away which other rpms are needed to install this 
> one. It is absurd to say that a certain file is needed without specifying 
> the exact rpm needed.

It's not absurd. Every single package on SUSE Linux and the openSUSE
Build Service is also built that way.

> All that tells me that it was unreliable built, combined with the fact 
> that they do not provide the src.rpm
> I don't like that repository :-(

I'll prefer to stay polite.

>>>> I can not install it.
>>> for what reason??
> [I am still in annoyed mode ;-) ]
> Because of unsolved dependencies. You knew, somehow, which other rpm I 
> needed, but not me - and I'm not a newbie, am I? ;-)

If you're too stupid to add a repository, well, what can I say.

> I had a look at the c-ares rpm. It is a fork of "ares" for the particular 
> use of the "curl" project. It is optionally needed by "aria2" because:
> | In order to enable async DNS support, you need c-ares or ares.
> | c-ares: http://daniel.haxx.se/projects/c-ares/
> | ares: ftp://athena-dist.mit.edu/pub/ATHENA/ares
> I don't want to install that one, and I still want to compile aria2 - or 
> an official rpm for aria2.

I chose to build it full-featured, including async DNS support.
If you don't like it, build it yourself.

"I don't want to install that one"... you're kidding me, right ?
c-ares is under 50kb

> I will have a look at "wxDownload Fast" instead.

RPMs for 10.2 will be available there in a few hours.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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