On Thursday 07 December 2006 13:45, Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:
> Hello,
> On my laptop I just started getting this error below about 3 weeks ago.  I
> have tried to track it down, but I have been unsuccessfule.  The message
> in the log is...
> Dec  6 06:33:35 blg kernel: ide: failed opcode was: 0xef
> This is the last message in logs and then I am not able to close any
> windows in KDE or write to the HD.  The only way to get things to work is
> a power off.  I have been unable to track down what is causing this
> problem.  It can happen from an hour to 6 days.  That is the longest I
> have made it.  I have another laptop which is almost exactly the same and
> it never happens.  Any ideas on how to find the cause?  I do notice that
> the machine near the right side of the keyboard some times is a bit warm,
> but I am not sure if that is the problem.  If the machine is hung and I go
> to one of my X-terms on the machine I quicly find out that it is hung.  An
> other symtom is the clock in the lower right conner stops advancing.  Also
> the repeat on the arrow keys stops functioning.
> Thanks,
If the drive is SMART capable, it might be an idea to install smartmontools, 
enable monitoring on the drive and see if the temp. is fluctuating 
beforehand.  You should find lots of info in /var/log/messages..


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