> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Hoper Edei Deixai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [opensuse] 10.2 installation in vmware
> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 00:05:26 -0000 (GMT)
> > Has anyone succedeed installing Opensuse 10.2 in VMWare Workstation?
> > Here it hangs immediately after the boot, even with safe settings.
> I've seen these symptoms with one 10.2 machine. Try appending "nosmp" to
> the boot options (start typing at the bootloader with the installation
> option selected). Of course it's likely to be an unrelated problem, but
> worth a try.

I did an install this afternoon, straight install (plus additional packages 
that I wanted, no problems, ran great under VMware without even installing the 
VMtools.  Did my presentation tonight to the LUG with it running in a VM.  Oh, 
I did this using VM Server, the free version, not Workstation but I wouldn't 
think that would make a difference.  I did tell it that it in creating the VM 
that it was "Other 2.6 Kernel" rather than SuSE.  What version of VM 
Workstation are you running?  VMware on Windows or Linux?  Could be hardware 
configuration too. 

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