On Wednesday 13 December 2006 17:43, Michael Comperchio wrote:
> I didn't get a chance to thank mike t. for the directions for video....and
> I can't reply 'cuz I had a rm -r issue (who have thunk I'd been dumb enough
> to leave that drive mounted under that directory......).
        Early on in my computer science career I learned the hard way to never 
anything. Yeah, I'm serious. Never *delete* anything. ... oh, rename it, move 
it, archive it, copy it, stare at it... but never, and I mean never, remove 
anything... unless you have to... and then do something besides remove it. 
(corollary: never work as root...)

> Is it at all possible to have both the wlan0 and eth0 interfaces running?
        Yes. Its an excellent way to bridge a wired and a wireless network.

> Oh yeh...whilst I'm at it.... How come, even though I've created the
> aliases with ndiswrapper -m, I still have to open a term and execute
> modprobe ndiswrapper?
        Modules must be loaded... this is usually done with scripts... once you 
the ndiswrapper working, then you place the modprobe for ndiswrapper into one 
of your startup scripts.

> I guess I'm gonna have to get on Amazon and order a book eh? any good
> recommendations?
        Running Linux
        Linux Cookbook
        Linux in a Nutshell
> Thanks guys.... BTW, how on earth do you guys keep up with all the
> throughput on this marvelous list?
        Filters dude... 

        ... and a lot of reading.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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