On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 09:57 +0100, Sven Burmeister wrote:
> Hi!

> I do not know how the "automatic" source finder works, yet it never worked 
> for 
> me. 

Neither for me.

> Although living in Germany, I never got a German source


> , but either the 
> russian you mentioned, 

So I take it that it is trustworthy if it crops up by itself? If not,
many others (or in Germany only?) will be using an untrustworthy repo.
Can it be validated?

> or one in Austria.
Yes, you are right; pardon for my geographical error, I said Switzerland
(TU-Wien): (Technische Universitaet Wien) which actually is in Vienna
Austria ... :-/

>  This does not make sense at all, 
> since my IP clearly points out which mirror would be the best, i.e. my 
> University's, which is also on that mirror-list but never gets chosen.

LOL - Novell wants no original SuSE German 'links' (read 'heritage')

> Just forget about that automatism and replace those sources by those that you 
> know are fastest for you.
> Sven


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