Now I am confused.. I thought you said your firewall was redirecting all
http traffic to the squid proxy.

Since I don't use a proxy, I'm probably way off-mark here, but I thought
all the traffic was supposed to travel through the proxy -- nothing
direct between web server and client.

 Hehe, who said my setup was normal.

 I proxy all web traffic except to my webservers on the DMZ.

 I guess my setup is a bit too unorthdox for SuSEfirewall2 but I still
 don't get why it doesn't have an option to accept _all_ forwarding.
I don't think anyone anticipated doing things as you are doing them :-)
You essentially have a single network card functioning as both the
internal and external interfaces.

 Why can't they anticipate my actions, dammit? :)

 Well, since I now have a working setup I don't think I'll tinker with
 it any more. Thanx for the suggestions though.

 - Peder
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