I can finally hibernate (suspend-to-disk) my laptop again, but now I
ran into a problem with NFS mounts that are hanging.

I use NFS mounts to machines at home and I forget to unmount them
before I hibernate the laptop.  When I get to a client, the NFS mount
is stale and it screws up a lot of things.  Nautilus crash and the
machine keeps on trying to get the mount back.
I cannot unmount it as it is wedged there.  I had to reboot the
machine to get it to release the mount.  So much for the advantage of

In the past I use a wrapper script that checks for NFS mounts and
unmount them before hibernating.  I could set the battery monitor to
use that script to hibernate, but now, in SuSE 10.2, the battery
monitor that is used does not have that option anymore.  The shutdown
toolbar applet also do not give options to configure anything.

I also looked in the powersave config and I did not find an option to
unmount NFS mounts.

Any idea how one is supposed to do this in SUSE 10.2?

Andre Truter | Software Consultant | Registered Linux user #185282
Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.trusoft.co.za

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