On 20 Dec 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Incorrect. Felix Miata has compiled one which works, with a lot of
> stuff stripped out:
>> On 2006/12/20 09:01 (GMT+-0500) Nick Zentena apparently typed:
>>>> On Wednesday 20 December 2006 09:02, Felix Miata wrote:
>>>>>> Have you read the bug? Etch's and Fedora's 2.6.18 kernels also
>>>>>> fail.  OTOH, the vanilla 2.6.19 kernel worked for me yesterday,
>>>>>> and still works today.

Strange, my 2.6.19 is a vanilla kernel with the TIOCGDEV patch and the
CK patchset:


For the record I have no problems access other websites. The only ones
that I have problems with are the 2 sites that the OP mentioned.


printk(KERN_ERR "Danger Will Robinson: failed to re-trigger IRQ%d\n", irq);

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