James Tremblay wrote:

It's not Linux that is the problem it's the hardware manufacturers,
I'm sure that even the guy doing the same thing at Apple takes a few
days to get a new platform running smooth and Apple is it's own hardware

When the Mac OS blows up (and it did for me once many moons ago early in the OS 10.3.early release) the reinstall is absolutely painless. I've done installs to external hard drives that I use for a backup system for defrag (yes, even a Mac needs defrag once in a very great while) and they could be done by a small child. And if you've upgraded the system beyond your original install, the upgrades happen absolutely automatically, transparently, and painlessly on-line with virtually no user input needed ("select which packages you'd like") from on-line. I am not trolling here or trying to stir up the pot, but a Mac is a gorgeous example of what Linux can be. Frankly, my Mac has given me new hope that Linux can one day be successful, because the Mac (freeBSD with a lot of GUI in between kernel and user)should be a model.

Your point about "Apple is it's own hardware supplier" is absolutely correct and relevant. But surely those who decide on such things as a Linux Standard Base could decide on a Standard Hardware Base, and vendors could be encouraged to advertise their products as Linux Standard Hardware Base compatible. Surely everyone at SuSE "knows" their own box; this could serve as a basis for a list of "known functional systems". This is what I did for my first Linux box eight years ago: I went down to what was at one time VA Research and I said "I'm stupid, build me a box that works".

Tony Alfrey
"I'd Rather Be Sailing"
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