Got a problem I hope someone can answer.  This is my situation.  My home
office (i.e. mail relay) uses MS Exchange.  It seems it will only listen
on port 25.  They are wanting all mail to be transport encrypted.  They
have setup stunnel to listen on port 465 and 2525 for their exchange
server.  It works with most email clients to select ssl encryption for
the smtp server on port 465 (they also use auth).  I tried but could not
get the smtp client of postfix to work with that setup to relay mail
through them here at home.  My ISP blocks all port 25 traffic to force
all smtp traffic to go through them.  At the office (I was testing first
at home) we use a different ISP that does not block port 25.  On port 25
(with telnet) their exchange server responds, but there is nothing if
telneted to port 465 pr 2525.  I got postfix's smtp client to work at
work (it uses TLS on port 25), including auth.  Here at home, I need to
get it working as well (and at least Eudora also has a problem with
their setup if port 25 is blocked by the ISP).  Is there a way to get it
working as is, or could I install and setup stunnel to get the postfix
smtp client to work through stunnel on either port 2525 or 465?  Is so,
any pointers?  TIA for any help or alternate ideas.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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