Stephan Binner wrote:

> On Thursday 11 January 2007 22:00, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>> > why is access to
>> > denied? i thought opensuse's bugzilla open for everyone...
>> Novell's Bugzilla _is_ open to everyone. Some bugs, this one, e.g., are
> Everyone seems to have a different name for this Bugzilla ;-)... It is
> Novell's Bugzilla but does contain far more than just bug reports for
> Open Source and in the public developed products (think of Netware etc.).
>> Some bugs, this one, e.g., are not.
> And the classic example for non-public openSUSE bug reports are not yet
> public disclosed vulnerabilities in Open Source software.
Which is understandable while the other one in not imho, at least as long as
the Enterprise Products are based on the Open-Product-Line. But I would
definetely not care, if I were denied access to Netware Bugs ;-))


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