Hello Bo, hello community !

Bo wrote / schrieb:

> I've just been lurking so far but
> I would be happy to recieve some help on the topic of how to clone an
> entire disk (with
> partitions and diferent filesystems and all) on a dual boot home systen.
> No servers or anything.

Unix command "dd" (= device dump) is your friend !

Assuming the disk to clone is connected to primary IDE channel as master
(=/dev/hda) and the target disk resides on primary IDE as slave
(=/dev/hdb) the command you need to issue looks like this:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=128M

The option "bs" specifies a buffer of 128MB size. Otherwise "dd" would
copy blocks of 512 byte each ...

If you need more information:

man dd
info dd
dd --help

Never give up !

Best regards / Gruß, Reinhard.

"Software is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open."
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