On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 16:08 +0100, Anders Johansson wrote:
> On Saturday 13 January 2007 16:04, Mike McMullin wrote:
> > > Bo wrote / schrieb:
> > > > I've just been lurking so far but
> > > > I would be happy to recieve some help on the topic of how to clone an
> > > > entire disk (with
> > > > partitions and diferent filesystems and all) on a dual boot home
>          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [...]
> >
> >   man rsync
> rsync can't handle copying a partition table, and it can't handle copying the 
> actual file system. It's not a cloning tool

  Oddly enough, that one limitation is why I suggested it.  The problem
with dd starting at the actual disk beginning, is, as you know, that it
will put the partition info on the new disk.  If the new disk happens to
be bigger, or different enough in geometry, then dd isn't a good choice.
I'm not suggesting that rsync is "the way" to do it.  I'm suggesting the
OP look into it as a method to use in achieving his goals.  I have yet
to copy info from one disk to another, without major differences on the

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