Le Dimanche 14 Janvier 2007 16:43, Stevens a écrit :
> To those who wrote that I could right-click on any icon and rename it to
> whatever, I say, "No shit, Sherlocks"
> The comment, and my point, was why in Hell did a linux shop decide to call
> ANYTHING on a linux desktop "My Computer", al la Windows.
> As for the perception by some on the list that I (and others) might be
> newbies because we cannot get our DVDs to work, well, y'all are just
> missing the point. There is a BUG!!! in Suse 10.2  that keeps removeable
> optical media from being recognized. If any Suse guru on the list wants to
> argue the point, then he/she is welcome to engage in a meaningful dialogue
> to prove that there is no bug, that it is only a figment of our
> imagination. I would really rather have a working system more so than
> watching bugzilla.
> Fred


I do agree that there might be some bug. I have 2 optical drives :
-1 DVD player
-1 DVD recorder
(running on 10.2 x86_64)

I don't remember (should check) if every CD or DVD give the same results but :
If i insert some DVD in the DVD player, they aren't mounted automatically (but 
I can mount it through CLI (as root mount /dev/hda /media/something).
The same DVD inserted in the DVD recorder is automatically mounted.
This behaviour did not happen at the begining (right after the install), so it 
might be due to some update.
Second point, as someone else on the list reported (sorry can't remember), the 
DMA is sometimes turned OFF for the DVD player (not the DVD recorder). I have 
to set in ON using Yast. I don't know if these 2 points are link together.

I would love if someone could explain what is wrong.



                     Matthias Titeux, PhD
Département de génétique des maladies cutanées et allergiques 
            dans des modèles animaux et chez l'homme.
                      INSERM U563 - CPTP
                 Pavillon Lefebvre, 5ème étage
                          CHU Purpan
                    31059 Toulouse cedex 03
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