On 1/17/07, Greg Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds like a good idea.  It's been a long time since I've worked in other
than graphical mode.  I tried CTRL-ALT-PF2 and then tried to unmount the
partition but it says it's busy.  I've rarely worked in non-graphical mode.
Can you suspend the graphical mode via some set of keys, unmount the file
system and do an fsck, or do you have to boot up in non-graphical mode to
begin with.  If the latter, how is that done.  I seem to recall there being
a way to hit some key and enter a number to tell the system what level to
boot to, but I can't remember the details.

# su
# init 3

This will switch to runlevel 3 w/o need to reboot.

But, if the partition in case is the one, which is used for / , then
this will not help.

Boot with the install cd/dvd, and select maintenace mode or whatever
it is called.

This will boot from the install media, and will not mount the root
filesystem. You will be able to fsck from there.

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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