On Sunday 21 January 2007 14:40, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> >2. On my main workstation, glxgears got 10,000 frames/sec with the x86_64
> >install, and 7,000 frames/sec with the i386 install, a noticeable
> > difference.
> I repeat it again: glxgears is *NOT* an appropriate benchmark.
> And I doubt 3000 frames/sec really make a difference since humans
> don't notice any improvement above 70 fps.

That is a specious argument Jan.

Its faster in 64 bit. Period.  By almost 30%

What does it matter that a program has to test large numbers of
events to accumulate a  meaningful sample size?  

Are you saying that because a human could never even conceptualize adding 
3.1459 to 239.732 in the time a computer could perform the operation a 
billion times we should just go back to the abacus? 

We don't need computers that are faster than us?  

You sit down at a computer that can muster at most 70fps running glxgears
and see how happy you would be compared to using one that does 7000fps.

Glxgears is as good a "quick measure" as anything else.  Dismissing it
because its faster than you can see is just silly.

John Andersen
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