Greg Freemyer wrote:
On 1/20/07, StephenW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As the original poster perhaps I should have added a bit of explaination for
posting.  So, I shall.

I also work as a technical support person in an educational setting that is
moving away from a "mixed platform" to a Windows only scenario. The mixed
platform came about way back when the local school had choice. The district in now in charge of all hardware decisions. I began two years ago working with Mac (OS 8.0 thru 10.3.8) and Windows (95 thru WindowsXP SP2). Thanks be that in the last year the decision was made that I am no longer expected to keep everything working. What is left are the Macs running 9.2 or better and only the machines running XP - eventually all Macs are scheduled for replacement.

Somewhat off the thread topic, but our school district (Palo Alto) demanded that all machines be Windows boxes (for some sort of maintenance reasons). Until a parent came along and donated 30 iMacs to the computer lab in one of the district schools (and put Linux on the network server). Then, a pot of money appeared for one-time expenditures, and the PTA bought MacBooks for all of the staff. So the lesson to *that* story is that, if the district doesn't really have the money to support some edict, and the parents come along and take control of the situation with their wallets, a better solution can be had.

Tony Alfrey
"I'd Rather Be Sailing"
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