> > Is there a tool in Opensuse 10.2 to "clone" a machine , that is I define
> > a master with all desired softwares and network/NFS/LDAP ...
> > configuration, then I am able to install many others machines with the
> > same conf. There is such tool in HP-UX called IGNITE , would be great if
> > Opensuse have a similar tool.
> Autoyast is meant to do this for larger installations.
> http://www.suse.com/~ug/

Autoyast is really great, but maybe sometimes a bit overkill (in setup) if you 
just want to clone one machine...

Another way would be to do it 'by hand':
- boot some live-cd (suse live-cd or knoppix) on the "empty" system
- create partitions as needed and create filesystems
- mount the new partitions
- mount all filesystems of the system that should be cloned by NFS (*)
- copy all files via   rsync -auvx /source /destination   to the new system
- setup a bootloader: start 'grub' and enter (assuming that /boot is your 
   first partition on your fist disk):
     root (hd0,0)
     setup (hd0)

I'm sure there are many other (maybe better) ways, but i had good experiences 
with this one ...

(*) or setup rsync in server mode on this machine

David Mayr,  http://davey.de
openSUSE LINUX,  http://opensuse.de
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