Ysgrifennodd Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y):
I would like to know who's using KDE in here, in the place of GNOME?
As well as the distribution has decide to "switch" to GNOME, who stayed
faithfull to KDE?

Optionnal question: is there a big team yet that maintains KDE and
K*/Qt* apps in OpenSuSe? In other words, as _open_Suse is an almost
community driven distro, has "community" blindly followed Novell's
choice or is there competent people that decided to stay KDE based?

I'm using KDE, but then again, I'm on 10.0 where it was the default. I didn't even install Gnome.

From what I've seen of Gnome, I don't like it, and if SUSE stopped supporting it 100%, I'd go to a different distribution.

Just my 2c.


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