Peter Bradley wrote:
> Ysgrifennodd Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y):
>> Hi,
>> I would like to know who's using KDE in here, in the place of GNOME?
>> As well as the distribution has decide to "switch" to GNOME, who stayed
>> faithfull to KDE?
>> Optionnal question: is there a big team yet that maintains KDE and
>> K*/Qt* apps in OpenSuSe? In other words, as _open_Suse is an almost
>> community driven distro, has "community" blindly followed Novell's
>> choice or is there competent people that decided to stay KDE based?
> I'm using KDE, but then again, I'm on 10.0 where it was the default. 
> I didn't even install Gnome.
I'm using 10.1 with KDE. Will use 10.2 with KDE.
> From what I've seen of Gnome, I don't like it, and if SUSE stopped
> supporting it 100%, I'd go to a different distribution.
My thoughts exactly...

> Just my 2c.
> Peter

Rui Santos

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