I belive this has wasted many many (or perhaps thousands) people's hours
and hours on figuring this out. How to play MP3 at all (with any
gstreamer player: Rhythmbox, Banshee, BMP, XMMS  .... )?

I knew mp3 is not opensource, but SUSE PAIED TO LET USE USE for-fee
software before (SUSE paied to let Chinese SuSE use founder software's
for-fee Chinese fonts), why not just do it again, as mp3 license is not
expensive (as last time I read some article about it). I don't
understand, why suse is removing all these IMPORTANT non-opensource
components step-by-step? (e.g. recent SuSE 10.2 removed Founder's
commercial Chinese font collection when they were there in SuSE 10.1,
these commercial Chinese fonts are very important for desktop office
use. SuSE removed default mp3 support since 9.3 etc).

I googled one hour only to find these options to let SuSE play mp3, none
of them work for me:

     1. recompile gstreamer which was supporting mp3 but removed mp3
        support in SuSE. Not an option to me. I am NOT a compiler
        refugee, I can compile things; but I don't think as SuSE user I
        am required to know how to compile a package. Especially me
        personally only use realplay to play mp3, it's the users I
        recommend to use SuSE ASK me how to play mp3 using any music
        management tool (rhymbox/banshee) and I cannot recommend my
        USERS to do some compile, as they are not CS department students
        or professionals but only ordinary users.
     2. install gstreamer-mad and gstreamer-extra-mad: I cannot find any
        rpm with that name for SuSE 10.2
     3. install gstreamer-ugly. I DO have installed it, but doesn't
        help. Rthymbox still don't play MP3 ("codec for mp3 not found"),
        neither can Banshee play them.
     4. download gstreamer package which supports mp3 from some SuSE 9.3
        rpm repository: I wish to try it but couldn't find it.

How much money does it require to buy a license for enable mp3 support
in SuSE? I want to pay my share to get it done. I just cannot stand it,
I am getting mad of it! why is it so damned difficult to play mp3 (for
NORMAL user with a MUSIC MANAGEMENT software). If someone calls a
user-sponsered license for enabling mp3 in gstreamer I'll pay my share!

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