I'm a bit confused by your request, and suggest you read "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

The place you should have started is not here, but the default home page, http://www.opensuse.org/ . If you search for "mp3", the seventh item or so has the text "HOWTO enable MP3 support" which takes you here, ultimately: http://en.opensuse.org/User:Xenmaster#MP3_support_for_XMMS

You could have done that.

However, I think you'll find it simpler to just add the VLC repository: http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_YaST_Package_Repositories#VLC_VideoLan_Client

If you get stuck, follow the guidelines in the first link (to catb.org): they may guide you back here under certain circumstances.

Russell Jones
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